The Dos and Don’ts for Online Lead Forms

At some point in your online life you’ve probably visited a website where a form popped up asking you to fill out some basic information: name, email, phone number, etc. Maybe you’ve never filled one out, or maybe you’ve filled them all out (which is why you spend the...

The blinding science of A/B testing

Let’s suppose for a moment that after reading my last blog post, you’ve decided that your website (or pay per click ads) would deliver more value if you did some A/B testing to decide what worked best. Great. Now all you have to do is figure out what comes...

Island Girl Charters New Website Launch

Located at the Pineland Marina, Island Girl Charters is a water taxi service to North Captiva Island. We were very excited to work on another project for one of our longtime clients, Virtual Realty Enterprise. NetSource has completed other projects for them such as a...