Who’s minding the store?

Just like a bricks-and-mortar store needs somebody behind the counter, an E-commerce web site requires somebody behind the scenes to make things run smoothly. Your E-commerce site is never going to be a fire-and-forget operation. Somebody has to process the orders....

The money is in the details

So you have a top-notch idea for E-commerce. You even have a well-considered business plan. Here’s a technical question for you: How are your customers going to pay you? It sounds like a silly ‘small picture’ question, I know. But it’s really...

Five Tips for a Successful E-Commerce Website

Getting your new E-commerce store up and running is only half the fun. Once that’s done – then you’ve got to figure out how to efficiently run your store in order to maximize your bottom line. Very little of it qualifies as rocket science. In fact,...

Focus on Customers, Not Products

There are many different ways to build a successful E-commerce business, but they all have one thing in common. Loyal customers. I don’t mean ‘just’ happy customers. I mean customers who will come back to your web site and purchase from you again....

E-Commerce and Payment Security

A surprising number of small businesses avoid E-commerce because they believe credit card information submitted via the Internet can be easily compromised. Nothing could be farther from the truth. In fact, if your E-commerce is properly implemented by a skilled...