13 Reasons Not to Design By Committee

I hope you’re not superstitious, because if you are, you may not like this post.  I’m not superstitious, although I am writing this blog post on the 13th of January – and it is a Friday. Friday the 13th is a scary day to many people, but not to me. ...

Icons – Amazing Little Pictures

I will freely admit my bias towards icons upfront, I believe that just about every design can benefit from their use. What exactly is an icon you might ask? For design purposes, icons are simplistic representations of a concept. Take something big and grand, like the...
Pixlr, A Quick Guide for Online Photo Editing

Pixlr, A Quick Guide for Online Photo Editing

What is this Pixlr? Pixlr (https://www.pixlr.com/editor/) is an online photo editing application that offers many of the professional features found in Adobe’s PhotoShop for free in your internet browser. This guide is not meant to detail all the features of Pixlr,...

Quick Color Guide

Ever wondered what your designer or printer is talking about when they start talking about color?  Here is a quick guide to color models and working with branded colors, to help you navigate those conversations. RGB – The Additive System RGB is the acronym for Red,...